Funding & Perspective


We accept no funding and generate no income; this is a volunteer effort. Contributors have paid for overhead costs, and these volunteers—past and present—have had relevant expertise in public health, media literacy, open-source intelligence, or another similar field.

We are exploring the potential for outside funding to allow the project to grow, but we will not do so if the funding comes with requirements that would unethically influence our work.

Perspective and nonpartisanship

We are nonpartisan in that we do not favor political groups, but neither do we attempt to give equal time to arguments of unequal merit. To do so would be misleading.

Critically, we acknowledge that coercing credible outlets to air unsubstantiated claims or arguments in the same setting as sound evidence is a tactic used by bad actors to skew public perception. Our concern is that our work reflects a comprehensive and contextualized view of the facts, free from media manipulation tactics.