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Sept 1999


"Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin refused Wednesday to rule out a possible ground war against the rebellious southern province. Bombs destroy apartment blocks in Moscow, Buynaksk and Volgodonsk. More than 200 people are killed. Moscow blames Chechens who in turn blame Russian secret services."

Russian Prime Minister Refuses to Rule Out New Chechen War


"Russia's military leaders have a simple explanation for the bombs raining down on Chechnya. They say they are copying NATO's air campaign against Yugoslavia."

Imitating NATO: A Script Is Adapted for Chechnya (Published 1999)


The second consecutive day of air strikes revived memories of Moscow's ill-fated military campaign against Chechen separatists from 1994 to 1996, but the Kremlin ruled out a full-scale war.

Russian Warplanes Bomb Chechen Capital

October 1999


"Russian ground troops entered Chechnya Thursday and took positions on strategic heights near the border, reportedly advancing as far as six miles into the breakaway republic. The moves followed a week of air strikes on the Chechen capital, Grozny, that sent nearly 80,000 Chechens fleeing in fear. It raised concern that Russia is on the verge of another full-scale war in Chechnya just three years after a humiliating defeat there."

Russian Sends Ground Troops Into Chechnya, Raising Fears


To the Editor: ... As a former Hungarian freedom fighter, I know how the citizens of Chechnya and the residents of Grozny feel, because that is exactly how we felt 43 years ago. I also know what they think of the passivity of the free world.

I, too, am ashamed of the deafening silence coming from the United Nations and Washington.

The only reassurance I can offer the Chechen freedom fighters is the knowledge that tanks cannot kill ideals and that if they do not give up, they will eventually gain their liberty.

Freedom in Chechnya


To the Editor:

Soldiers would come from outside Bosnia with planes and tanks and would kill, rape, expel and steal. They would encircle cities and keep them under siege. Yes, in Bosnia, they were Serbs. But the arms were the same, the instructors were the same, and the credo was the same.

It is sad to hear how swiftly President Clinton condemned the shootings in Armenia in light of the silence about Russian crimes in Chechnya.

Why the Silence On Chechnya?

November 1999


Russian Army Says Chechen Resistance Is Growing Stiffer

January 2000

Chechnya Putin's role in misleading the public about the war in Chechnya was described in a news report.

Putin's role in the blatantly misleading information issued by the government about the Chechnya offensive also has been criticized. His talent for creating legends has been evident in his explanations about the war. For example, Putin told the writers group that the military had been open with the news media, when the military has in fact hidden information about casualties, combat events, attacks on civilians and its goals and methods.

Felix Svetov, a writer who spent time in Stalin's prison camps as a child and who lost his father in the purges, was present at the writers meeting. He said Putin's comment "does not correspond with reality." Putin is a typical KGB type, he added. "If the snow is falling, they will calmly tell you, the sun is shining."

Putin's Career Rooted in Russia's KGB

March 2000

Russia Putin is elected President for the first time.

Russia's 2000 Presidential Elections

January 2006


"The cable disclosed the U.S. suspicion that Russian intelligence was behind two simultaneous explosions on the Georgian-Russian pipeline on Jan. 22, 2006. Later in the same day another explosion took out a high voltage line based in Russia that supplied Georgia with electricity."

"There was no response from the Russian government for four days," Mr. Bokeria said. "For one week in 2005 Georgia was left with no gas and electricity from Russia, causing shortages. We believe this was an act of Russian sabotage."

Russia waged covert war on Georgia starting in '04


Explosions in southern Russia this morning severed the country's natural gas pipelines to Georgia, swiftly plunging Russia's neighbor into heat and electricity shortages and causing a diplomatic flare-up between the nations.

Explosions in Russia Cut Gas Pipelines to Georgia


The bombings of two Russian-controlled natural gas pipelines high in the Caucasus Mountains this week - by one estimate sending a fireball nearly 200 meters into the sky - paralyzed Georgia and sent a message straight to Western Europe, which depends on Russian natural gas.

Russian pipeline blast sends shivers to Europe

August to October 2006


Georgian parliament voted to integrate Georgia into NATO. Russia is not pleased.

"The Georgian parliament votes unanimously for a bill to integrate Georgia into NATO expanding upon the Partnership for Peace. This deteriorates relations with Russia which imposes sanctions and deports hundreds of Georgians who are deemed illegal immigrants. Georgia arrests four Russian army officers for spying."

A Timeline of Russian Aggression

Jan 2007 to July 2007

Estonia Russia disapproved of Estonia's decisions to relocate the Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, a Soviet-era statue, from the city center to a new gravesite¹. Estonian parliament, ministries, banks, and newspapers were targeted with DDoS attacks².

Russia to Estonia: Don't move our statue

February 2008


Russia warns Georgia against joining NATO

April 2008

Georgia Ukraine

President Bush threw the NATO summit meeting here off-script on Wednesday by lobbying hard to extend membership to Ukraine and Georgia, but he failed to rally support for the move among key allies.

Mr. Bush’s position that Ukraine and Georgia should be welcomed into a Membership Action Plan, or MAP, that prepares nations for NATO membership — directly contradicted German and French government positions stated earlier this week.

NATO Allies Oppose Bush on Georgia and Ukraine


Putin’s decree caps Russia’s policy of creeping annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia over the last few years. The April 16 decree turns an unofficial policy into a semi-official and fully open one. It marks the first overt Russian move to change the post-1991 internationally recognized borders and revert de facto to those of the Soviet-era. Faced with this potentially momentous development, the responses of the European authorities range from silence by most of them to evasive comments by the few that have spoken at all.

The decree (Interfax, April 16, 17) instructs Russia’s ministries and other government bodies to work directly with their counterparts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia on a full range of bilateral cooperation activities; recognize the “legal” acts issued by Abkhaz and South Ossetian authorities; recognize entities registered under Abkhaz and South Ossetian “laws”; and provide legal assistance on matters of civil and criminal law directly to Abkhaz and South Ossetian authorities and residents (most of whom have previously been turned into purported Russian citizens through “passportization”).

On April 3 Putin wrote a letter in response to an appeal from Abkhazia’s and South Ossetia’s de facto leaders, addressing them as “Presidents” and announcing that Russia would take “not declarative, but practical steps.” Timed to the NATO summit in Bucharest, where Putin arrived that same day, his letter could be taken as implying that Russia would take those steps in Abkhazia and South Ossetia if Georgia moved toward NATO membership. Following the NATO summit, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov and the Chief of the Armed Forces’ General Staff, General Yurii Baluyevsky, warned on April 8 and 11, respectively, that Russia would take measures against Georgia. Responses in the West were few and feeble, apparently emboldening Moscow into proceeding with this set of measures.

Putin moves toward annexation


The United States, Britain, France, and Germany issued a joint statement after the UN Security Council meeting on April 23 saying they were “highly concerned” over Russia’s move to establish legal links with Georgia’s breakaway regions.

Russia Brushes off Western Call to Revoke Abkhaz, S. Ossetia Move

August 2008

Georgia The war in Georgia lasted 5 days.

"On August 8, 2008, Russian forces began the invasion of Georgia, marking the start of Europe's first twenty-first century war. The conflict itself was over within a matter of days, but the repercussions of the Russo-Georgian War continue to reverberate thirteen years on, shaping the wider geopolitical environment."

The 2008 Russo-Georgian War: Putin's green light


Russian planes dropped bombs this month within 15 meters (50 feet) of a pipeline that British oil company BP was in the process of reopening through Georgia, according to witnesses.

Residents on Friday showed Reuters correspondents deep craters alongside the pipeline, which runs between Azerbaijan’s capital Baku, on the Caspian Sea, and Georgia’s Black Sea port of Supsa.

Reuters reported on August 12 that Georgia had accused Russia of bombing the pipeline, although without causing serious damage. Russia denied any such attacks.

Craters show Russia just missed the Georgian pipeline


Georgian officials say Russian warplanes dropped bombs in an early Saturday raid close to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which pumps some 850,000 barrels of crude a day—or 1% of total global oil demand—from Azerbaijan to the Mediterranean. The bombs narrowly missed the line, but one exploded just 10 feet away from it.

Raids Suggest Russia Targeted Energy Pipelines

September 2008


"The Kremlin supports the separatist movements in Abkhazia and South Ossetia to disqualify Georgia from NATO and to stymie its western ambitions. Russian Defence Minister Ivanov declared that Georgia would automatically become an adversary to Russia if it joined NATO. On April 20, a Russian jet shoots down a Georgian reconnaissance drone flying over Abkhazia."

"Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed treaties with Georgia's South Ossetia and Abkhazia on Wednesday that commit Moscow to defend the breakaway regions from any Georgian attack."

Russia signs treaty to defend Georgia separatists

October 2008


The Russian daily Izvestia reported on October 16 that a memo had been sent to all police stations in Moscow warning of terrorist threats deep within Russian territory.

“The Georgian secret services are plotting explosions in residential apartment buildings in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi,” the newspaper reported, quoting the alleged memo. “Refugees from Abkhazia, living in these cities, will carry out these terrorist acts. Explosives will be brought to the scenes in October 2008.”

Davit Bakradze, the Georgian parliamentary chairperson, said that the report was “nonsense,” but added that such disinformation had “a very dangerous” context, recalling that the second war in Chechnya started after a series of explosions hit apartment blocks in Moscow, Buynaksk, and Volgodonsk in September 1999.

Vladimir Pronin, the head of the Moscow Police Department, has declined to comment on the reports. He did say, however, that there was no reason for panic.

Georgian Official Says Russian Press Reports on Terrorist Acts ‘Dangerous Disinformation’

November 2008


NATO will probably not offer membership to Ukraine and Georgia for years to come, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday before an alliance meeting next week that is expected to discuss the issue.

The Bush administration has supported putting the two former Soviet republics on a formal path, called a Membership Action Plan, toward joining NATO. But there is considerable European opposition, which has grown since Georgia’s war with Russia in August.

NATO leaders promised Ukraine and Georgia at a summit in Bucharest in April that they would one day join the Western defense alliance but declined to offer them the formal path toward membership because of French and German objections.

Georgia, Ukraine years away from NATO seats: U.S.


… recently some western European media sources, including those in Germany, France, Italy and Spain, were publishing disinformation about Georgia as if rights of ethnic minorities were violated in the country.

Senior MPs Claim ‘Libelous’ Campaign Against Georgia in European Media

January 2009


"Gazprom cut off all supplies for Ukraine's use on January 1, after weeks of negotiations on outstanding debts and prices for 2009. Gazprom proposed to raise the price to $250 from $179.5. Ukraine said it was prepared to pay $201 and wanted to raise gas transit fees. Gazprom then raised the price again to $458."

TIMELINE: Gas crises between Russia and Ukraine


"By 2009, Russia had severely disabled the Chechen separatist movement and large-scale fighting ceased."

The Second Chechen War

April 2009

Chechnya Russia officially ends "Operations" in Chechnya.

Putin's approval and disapproval remain roughly the same for Putin until he announces he may run for president again.

Russia Ends Operations in Chechnya

Timeline of Putin's approval and aggression abroad
